Annual investment allowance definition

/ˈanjʊəl/ /ɪnˈvɛs(t)m(ə)nt/ /əˈlaʊəns/
Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert

What does Annual investment allowance mean?

The annual investment allowance (AIA) is part of the capital allowances regime under which tax relief is given for capital expenditure on plant or machinery. The AIA is available for qualifying expenditure incurred by an individual, a partnership of individuals or a company. The expenditure must be incurred for the purposes of a qualifying activity, for example a trade, profession or vocation or a lettings business.

Normally, capital allowances on plant or machinery are given at the rate of 18%, or in some cases 6%, on the reducing balance of the expenditure, which means that the cost is written off for tax over a number of years. The AIA gives relief for 100% of the expenditure in a single year.

The amount of expenditure qualifying for the AIA is limited to £1 million per year.

In certain circumstances expenditure is excluded from qualifying for the AIA. The most notable exclusion is expenditure on a car, but also excluded, for example, is expenditure incurred in the final accounting period of the business.

There are some restrictions on entitlement, for example

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