Board minutes for the approval or ratification of a company’s entry into a guarantee and indemnity

Published by a LexisNexis Banking & Finance expert

Board minutes for the approval or ratification of a company’s entry into a guarantee and indemnity

Published by a LexisNexis Banking & Finance expert


COMPANY NUMBER: [insert company number]

[insert company name] [LIMITED OR PLC]

Minutes of a meeting of the board of Directors (the Meeting) of [insert full name of company] (the Company)

Held at [insert place of meeting]

Held on [insert day, month and year of meeting] at [insert time of meeting] [am OR pm]

Present:[Insert names of any directors present, whether physically or by any remote means (unless such means are specifically excluded by the Company’s Articles of association) [by insert means of attendance for each director attending remotely]]
[In attendance:][[Insert name of anyone in attendance, whether physically or by any remote means, who does not count towards the Quorum for the Meeting (eg the Company secretary, any legal advisers)]]
[Apologies:][[Insert names of any directors who are unable to attend the Meeting by any means]]
    1. 1

      Chair, notice and quorum

      [insert name] was appointed Chair of the Meeting. The Chair reported that due notice of the Meeting had been given in accordance

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Key definition:
Directors definition
What does Directors mean?

A director of a company is responsible for the day-to-day management of that company. The directors make decisions on behalf of the company in order that it can carry on its business.

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