Complying with the collective investment schemes sourcebook (COLL)

Produced in partnership with Lucy Frew, formerly of Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP
Practice notes

Complying with the collective investment schemes sourcebook (COLL)

Produced in partnership with Lucy Frew, formerly of Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP

Practice notes

The financial conduct authority’s Collective investment Schemes Sourcebook (COLL) is a specialist sourcebook forming part of the FCA Handbook. COLL provides the detailed framework within which authorised funds operate and this Practice Note provides a summary of its main provisions.

What is COLL?

The Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (COLL) is a specialist sourcebook forming part of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Handbook. It provides the detailed framework within which FCA-authorised funds operate. COLL is supplemented by the COLL information guide (COLLG), which is covered in COLLG below.

The rules in Chapters 2 to 8 of COLL are a major part of the product regulation regime for investment companies with variable capital (ICVC), authorised unit trust schemes (AUT) and authorised contractual schemes (ACS) and related parties. COLL:

  1. supplements the requirements in the Open-Ended Investment Companies Regulations 2001, SI 2001/1228 (OEIC Regulations) (for ICVCs) (for further information on both types of fund see OEIC authorisation and winding-up)

  2. supplements the material in chapter III, Part XVII of the Financial Services

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Key definition:
Collective investment scheme definition
What does Collective investment scheme mean?

An arrangement whereby a number of investors pool their assets and have them professionally managed.

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