Contributory negligence in personal injury claims

Published by a LexisNexis PI & Clinical Negligence expert
Practice notes

Contributory negligence in personal injury claims

Published by a LexisNexis PI & Clinical Negligence expert

Practice notes

Contributory negligence is a partial defence which can lead to a discount in Damages.

Other defences may also be relevant. See Practice Notes: Did the claimant consent to the risk of injury? and Was the claimant involved in an illegal activity?

If a defendant wishes to pursue an allegation of contributory negligence they must allege, plead and prove that the claimant contributed to their injury by failing to take all reasonable care for their own safety.

Section 1(1) of the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 (LR(CN)A 1945) provides:

‘Where any person suffers damage as the result partly of his own fault and partly of the fault of another person or persons, a claim in respect of that damage shall not be defeated by reason of the fault of the person suffering the damage, but the damages recoverable in respect thereof shall be reduced to such extent as the court thinks just and equitable having regard to the claimant’s share in the responsibility.’

Courts express a finding of contributory negligence as a percentage

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Key definition:
Contributory negligence definition
What does Contributory negligence mean?

A partial defence to a claim based upon the negligence of a claimant.

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