Double tax treaties definition

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

What does Double tax treaties mean?

Double tax treaties in a nutshell
Double tax treaties are international agreements which seek to resolve the taxation of the same income in more than one place. 

A person’s tax residence status determines the taxing rights of a jurisdiction. However, almost all jurisdictions also have the right to tax income/ gains etc, which arises from within their jurisdictions. This means that sometimes the same income/ gains can be taxed in more than one country. 

Double taxation can also arise where an individual is resident in more than one country, giving both the right to tax. 

How is double tax relieved?
The elimination (or reduction) of double taxation is achieved by: 
1. determining an overriding ‘treaty residence’ (by looking at the person’s permanent home or centre of vital interests or habitual home or nationality), or 
2. allowing relief by exemption by excluding income from taxation in one contracting state, or 
3. allowing relief by credit for foreign tax charged in one state against the tax charged in the other 

In the absence of a treaty most jurisdictions

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