Environment Agency (EA)—powers of entry

Published by a LexisNexis Environment expert
Practice notes

Environment Agency (EA)—powers of entry

Published by a LexisNexis Environment expert

Practice notes

The Environment agency (EA), Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have extensive, but not unlimited, powers to enter premises.

Environment Agency powers

Rights of entry and investigation conferred by section 108 of the Environment Act 1995 (EA 1995) are exercisable without the need for a warrant (though a warrant may be required where permission to enter has been or is likely to be refused). However, entry must be strictly in accordance with the terms of written authorisation and must be for the purpose of:

  1. determining whether pollution control or flood risk activity law is being or has been complied with

  2. exercising or performing one of the pollution control or flood risk activity functions of the authority, or

  3. determining whether and, if so, how such a function should be performed

  4. determining whether any of the offences listed in EA 1995, s 108(1)(d) are being or have been committed

Powers of entry are also available under EA 1995, s 108 where the EA is required to carry out any assessment or prepare

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Key definition:
Environment agency definition
What does Environment agency mean?

The executive non-departmental public body created by the Environment Act 1995 'to protect or enhance the environment, taken as a whole' so as to promote 'the objective of achieving sustainable development' (Environment Act 1995, s 4).

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