Divergences between UK and EU environmental law post-Brexit

Published by a LexisNexis Environment expert
Practice notes

Divergences between UK and EU environmental law post-Brexit

Published by a LexisNexis Environment expert

Practice notes

Environmental law divergence tracker


This tracker monitors relevant EU-UK environmental law divergence and will be of interest to environmental lawyers. Key divergences are included, but the tracker does not constitute a definitive list of all divergences. Where applicable, it also includes key points of divergence within the UK (eg between Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI) or individual devolved UK nations and the EU). It tracks divergences to EU law at Directive and Regulation level, but not at Decision level.

UK consultations on key divergence areas are included.

EU proposals for new or revised legislation are included in this tracker at the point at which the legislative texts are provisionally agreed by the Council of the EU and the European Parliament, so an indicative timescale for entry into force, and applicability, can be provided. To track progress with all EU environmental initiatives throughout all legislative procedural stages, please see our full set of EU environmental law trackers, as listed below.

In this Practice Note, the term ‘divergence’ refers to differences in the legislation,

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