Legal News

EU Law weekly highlights—12 May 2022

Published on: 12 May 2022
Published by a LexisNexis EU Law expert

Article summary

This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes the European Parliament adopting a resolution that welcomes the detailed proposals from the Conference on the Future of Europe and sets the Parliament’s follow-up to the recommendations, the CJEU broadening the scope of the Zambrano caselaw, the European Parliament and Council reaching a provisional agreement on ‘daisy chain’ amendments to CRR and BRRD, the European Commission introducing an initiative for a new Cyber Resilience Act that is set to establish new cybersecurity rules for digital products and ancillary services and the ACER and CEER publishing a paper on the proposed revision of gas storage and security of supply regulation. The highlights further include the CJEU imposing EU consumer law obligation on third party suppliers, and the European Commission adopting measures relating to vertical block exemptions and vertical agreements in distribution.

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