This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes the publication of the Commission’s May infringement package, confirmation of the imminent enactment of the Better Enforcement and Modernisation Directive, the adoption of draft delegated acts on the regulatory framework for renewable hydrogen, and a proposed update to the Renewable Energy Directive to fast track permitting requirements for renewable energy projects. The Commission has started consultations on the Waste Framework Directive with a focus on food waste and the EU Benchmarks Regulation, MEPs have adopted a proposal to implement a global minimum corporate tax rate, Parliament’s AGRI committee chair has called for a derogation from CAP rules, and the Commission has proposed increased support for farmers in the face of the impact of the Ukraine conflict on food supplies. On the home affairs front, the Commission has published the State of Schengen 2022 report and set European integrated border management as a key policy objective, while the Council has confirmed a broadening of Europol’s mandate. The...
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The EU NIS 2 Directive—timeline This timeline sets out key dates and information relating to Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (NIS 2 Directive) which reforms and repeals Directive (EU) 2016/1148 (NIS Directive). It includes strategy documents, consultations, progress reports as well as opinions and guidance
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