LNB News 19/12/2024
Document Information
Issue Date: 19 December 2024
Published Date: 19 December 2024
Jurisdiction(s): England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
The seventh Family Procedure Rules 2010 (FPR 2010) Practice Direction (PD) update of 2024 has been issued, making amendments to six existing PDs and inserting three new PDs. The PD update makes provision for transparency orders where reporters have attended hearings in most types of proceedings relating to a child and in placement order proceedings where the application for a placement order is made within proceedings for a care order. Permanent provision is made to underpin the contested financial remedy online digital service for legal representatives. The pathfinder pilot is extended until 31 March 2026 in existing sites and expanded to additional courts. The pilot for notification to the police of non-molestation orders and of occupation orders with a power of arrest attached is extended until 28 February 2026. Amendments to allow local flexibilities to be adopted in the Child Arrangements Programme are extended until 28 February 2027 and the correct address for filing...
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