Section 86B(5)(b) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 defines arrears as including when any 'default sum, which has ever become payable under the agreement in connection with (the customer’s) failure to pay any sum under the agreement when required, is still owing'. This seems to suggest that if a default sum has been added to the account and the customer has not paid this, then the lender should keep sending notices of arrears. Is this the case even if a time has not been set for payment (ie the customer is able to pay the default sum as part of their last payment)? Is it also the case if the monthly payment is recalculated so that part of the monthly payment is going towards repaying the default sum?
Section 86B(5)(b) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 defines arrears as including when any 'default sum, which has ever become payable under the...