Residence for individuals definition

ˈrɛzɪdəns fɔːr ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəlz
Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert

What does Residence for individuals mean?

Also known as: 
• statutory residence test 
• SRT 

Residence for individuals in a nutshell
Residence determines whether an individual is liable to UK income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax. Residence must be decided on a year-by-year basis and is usually determined by where the individual lives during the year. 

A UK resident is taxable on their worldwide income and gains. The exception to this is where the individual is not domiciled or deemed domiciled in the UK, in which case they may use the remittance basis to ensure that they are only taxed in the UK on their foreign income and gains to the extent that these are brought to the UK. A non-UK resident is not taxed in the UK on their worldwide income, only on their UK source income. Note that the remittance basis will be abolished from 6 April 2025, although this only applies to foreign income and gains arising on or after that date. The remittance basis rules will still apply to unremitted income and gains arising before that date but remitted later.   


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