As the UK pursues an independent trade policy and businesses seek to exploit these opportunities, stay ahead of the curve and guide your clients through this vast regulatory landscape.
An online practical and comprehensive guidance product for contentious and non-contentious lawyers giving advice to and supporting governments, businesses and organisations that engage.
Jurisdictional guides relevant to international trade, giving lawyers an overview of applicable laws at national level which impacts on international trade.
Covering all WTO agreements, WTO disputes, trade remedies, free trade agreements, the UK-EU TCA as well as guidance on a range of topics related to international trade such as sanctions and export controls.
The European Commission has imposed definitive anti-dumping duties on erythritol imports from China, ranging from 34.4% to 233.3%. These measures,...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes: the World Trade Organization panel ruling that EU palm oil measures violate...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has circulated a panel report finding that certain European Union measures concerning palm oil and oil palm...
The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has successfully recommended a new anti-dumping measure on imports of Suspension Poly(vinyl chloride) (S-PVC) from...
Details of updates to HMRC import, export and customs guidance for the period from 7 to 13 January 2025....
UK marketing authorisations for medicinal productsThis Practice Note summarises the law relating to marketing authorisation (MAs) for medicinal...
Modern slavery and human traffickingSTOP PRESS: A significant restructuring of the UK listing regime came into effect on 29 July 2024 which included...
International official financial sanctions listsThis Practice Note contains a table of international financial sanctions lists with links to the...
Sanctions regime—global human rightsOn 6 July 2020, the UK introduced its first autonomous sanctions regime under the Sanctions and Anti-Money...
Challenging UK sanctions designations under SAMLA 2018This Practice Note explains how designations made under the UK domestic sanctions regime under...
Sanctions consideration provisions—share purchase agreement—super short formInsert the following definitions as new definitions into the Clause 1 of...
Sanctions consideration provisions—share purchase agreement pro-seller—corporate seller—short-formInsert the following definitions as new definitions...
Sanctions consideration provisions—share purchase agreement pro-seller—corporate seller—unconditional—long-formInsert the following definitions as new...
Sanctions consideration provisions—share purchase agreement pro-seller—corporate seller—unconditional—long-formInsert the following definitions as new...
Sanctions consideration provisions—share purchase agreement pro-buyer—corporate seller—short-formInsert the following definitions as new definitions...
An introduction to the basic principles of tradeStructure of the WTO agreementsThe Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the WTO announcing that the 12th Ministerial Conference will be hosted on 12—15...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the WTO announcing that the chair of the fisheries subsidies negotiations,...
International Trade analysis: The House of Lords International Agreements Committee (IAC) has welcomed the government’s undertaking to increase...
An introduction to the Agreement on Import LicensingThis Practice Note introduces the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Agreement on Import Licensing....
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the UK and EU holding their first PPA meeting, the introduction of legislation...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the WTO Secretariat setting the agenda for next meeting of the Dispute...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the DIT publishing a newly appointed Trade Envoy to Japan, Cabinet Office...
An introduction to the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing MeasuresThis Practice Note introduces the basic concepts of subsidisation and...
This week’s edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the government launching consultations with the EU over access to scientific...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes WTO members continuing with Trade Facilitation Agreement monitoring, the TRA...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the European Commission launching two infringement proceedings against the UK...
Multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangementThis Practice Note contains practical guidance on the multi-party interim appeal arbitration...
An introduction to the Agreement on SafeguardsThis Practice Note introduces the basic concepts of safeguard measures as contained in the World Trade...
Dispute resolution under the UK-EU Trade Cooperation AgreementThis Practice Note gives practical guidance on the dispute settlement mechanism...
An introduction to the WTO’s Agreement on Customs ValuationThis Practice Note provides practical guidance on the WTO’s Customs Valuation Agreement. It...
WTO disputes—dispute trackerThis tracker is intended to be used to track the progress of disputes at the World Trade Organization. It is organised per...
This week's edition of International Trade weekly highlights includes the Cabinet Office launching a consultation on the UK Single Trade Window, the...
Due diligence means that all reasonable precautions were taken and all due diligence was exercised to avoid the commission of the offence. This requires the defendant to produce evidence of the system and procedures it has devised in an effort to avoid unfair practices.
A parent's statutory right to take unpaid leave for the purpose of caring for a child.
to bring or lay a charge or indictment;