Letter to client on disclosure obligations under CPR 31

Published by a LexisNexis Dispute Resolution expert

Letter to client on disclosure obligations under CPR 31

Published by a LexisNexis Dispute Resolution expert


Private, confidential & PRIVILEGED

[Insert name and address of client]

[insert date]

Dear [insert name of contact at the client]

Explaining your obligations in the disclosure process

Thank you for your instructions in this matter. [This letter accompanies our retainer letter OR Our retainer letter will follow separately].

[The purpose of this letter is to make you aware that OR As we have previously discussed] you have duties to the court to reveal the existence of documents relevant to this case and to provide them to your opponent. This process is called “disclosure”. This is a crucial feature of the litigation process and, consequently, we need to start preparing for it immediately. It is my duty, as your legal representative, not only to explain the existence and scope of your obligations but also to supervise the process and ensure you make full and proper disclosure of all relevant documents. I will therefore be contacting you shortly to arrange a meeting to discuss what needs to be done so that we can start the process.

In the meantime,

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Key definition:
Disclosable documents definition
What does Disclosable documents mean?

Following a review of a client's evidence these are the documents that must be disclosed.

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