Highly regulated, with strict compliance rules, work can be in-house or in collaboration with another entity. Guidance includes practice notes on UK and EU regime for clinical trials and various precedents.
Patents and supplementary protection certificates are significant to many life sciences businesses. We have practice notes on pharmaceutical patents, biotechnology patents, IP protection for medical devices and more.
This content includes guidance on marketing authorisations, orphan and paediatric medicines, pharmacovigilance, manufacturing, unlicensed and off-label medicines.
Covering key areas of medical devices regulation including classification, conformity assessments, clinical and performance evaluation as well as post-market surveillance.
The Highly Specialised Technologies (HST) Programme evaluates technologies for ultra-rare diseases (defined in NICE strategic principles, and...
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has announced its readiness to support the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2021/2282 EU (the new regulation on...
The International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) has adopted a new version of its...
EU Law: Ravi Srinivasan and Graham Lewis, partners, and James Egleton and James Smythies, associates, at J A Kemp discuss the decisions in Joined...
The European Commission has introduced new EU-wide rules on Health Technology Assessment (HTA), effective from 12 January 2025. The regulation...
Declaration of a director's interests—the statutory provisionsA director who is in any way, directly or indirectly, interested in:•a proposed...
The regulation of medical devices in the UKThis Practice Note provides an overview of the UK regulatory regime for medical devices. It explains the...
Exclusion and limitation of liabilityThis Practice Note considers exclusion and limitation of liability in business-to-business (B2B) contracts. It...
The regulation of advanced therapy medicinal productsThe development of medicine, biomicrobiology and biotechnology has led to the emergence of a...
Brexit—implications for data protection [Archived]ARCHIVED: This archived Practice Note provides information on the Data Protection, Privacy and...
Confidentiality letter—private M&A—asset purchase—corporate sellerStrictly private and confidentialTo: [insert buyer name][insert buyer address]Date:...
Confidentiality letter—private M&A—share purchase—corporate sellerStrictly private and confidentialTo: [insert buyer name][insert buyer address]Date:...
Confidentiality agreement—corporate joint ventureThis Agreement is made on [insert day and month] 20[insert year]Parties1[Insert name of first...
Confidentiality letter—mutual[insert address of sender]Our ref: [insert reference]Your ref: [insert reference][Insert address of recipient]Date:...
Consultancy agreement—company and company—pro-clientThis Agreement is made on [date]Parties1[Name of Company], a company incorporated in England with...
The regulation of medical devices in the UKThis Practice Note provides an overview of the UK regulatory regime for medical devices. It explains the...
Regulation of e-cigarettes31 December 2020 marked the end of the Brexit implementation period following the UK’s decision to withdraw from the EU. At...
Clinical evaluation and performance evaluation of medical devices in the EUThis Practice Note describes key changes to the requisite clinical...
Unlicensed medicinal products and off-label use of medicinal productsThis Practice Note explores unlicensed medicinal products and the various ways...
Second and subsequent medical use patent claimsBackground to medical use claimsSecond (and subsequent) medical use patent claims are specific to the...
Post-market surveillance of medical devices in the EUPost-market surveillance is the monitoring by manufacturers of medical devices to ensure their...
Intellectual property protection for medical devicesChanges to intellectual property (IP) law from 1 January 2021Before discussing how intellectual...
Medicines and Medical Devices Act 2021This Practice Note provides an overview of the Medicines and Medical Devices Act 2021 (MMDA 2021) which, in...
Introduction to borderline productsThis Practice Note provides an introduction to the concept of borderline products, how the regulatory status of...
Clinical Research Organisation (CRO) master services agreementDATA PROTECTION NOTICE: Please note that the drafting of clause 7 (Data Protection), in...
PharmacovigilancePharmacovigilance is the process of collecting and understanding information relating to the adverse effects of medicinal product...
Life Sciences analysis: Peter Rudd-Clarke, partner, and Anna Lundy, associate director, at Osborne Clarke discuss how the medical device industry is...
Medical devices due diligence questionnaireIntroductionThis medical devices regulatory due diligence questionnaire relates to the proposed purchase by...
This week's edition of Life Sciences weekly highlights includes analysis of the English court’s jurisdiction to decide COVID-related business...
The regulation of advanced therapy medicinal productsThe development of medicine, biomicrobiology and biotechnology has led to the emergence of a...
The experimental use and Bolar-type exemptions to patent infringementPatent systems are intended to foster innovation, not to impede it. For this...
This week's edition of Life Sciences weekly highlights includes consideration of the arguments put forward against DeepMind, Google’s subsidiary, for...
Pharma and medical device regulation—Colombia—Q&A guideThis Practice Note contains a jurisdiction-specific Q&A guide to pharma and medical device...
The approval needed to place a medicinal product on the market. It sets out the medical conditions (known as indications), patient population and dosage for which the product is authorised as well as any conditions imposed on the holder of the marketing authorisation.
The science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other medicine-related problem.
Refers to the data exclusivity period granted by Article 10(1) of Directive 2001/83/EC, in which pre-clinical and clinical trial data generated and used to support the authorisation of an innovative medicinal product cannot be referred to by an applicant for a marketing authorisation for a generic product.