This gold standard content set covers all aspects of social housing from homelessness, tenancy management, shared ownership and right to buy together with regulating housing provision.
Education is central to the governments skills agenda to drive innovation and growth. Every aspect of education law is covered from early years foundation stage to further and higher education with a dedicated special educational needs topic.
Public bodies are subject to the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. We give full coverage of public contracts, from issues to consider before procurement, to dealing with contract award challenges.
Local authorities are facing unprecedented financial challenges, inevitable rationalisation and prioritisation of service provision. Lawyers are key in ensuring that difficult decisions are taken and implemented lawfully
The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have published guidance detailing the approach for conducting...
Public Law analysis: The decision of the Secretary of State for Justice to reject Parole Board recommendations for an indeterminate prisoner to be...
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has outlined its intention to invite proposals for local government reorganisation...
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has issued a response to the House of Lords Preterm Birth Committee's report titled 'Preterm birth:...
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has launched the Digital Capability for Health 2 [RM6345] agreement, designed to facilitate digital transformation...
Conservation area enforcement and criminal liability regime in EnglandThis Practice Note explains the offences which may be committed under either the...
Listed buildings enforcement and criminal liability regime in EnglandSTOP PRESS: An updated version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)...
Failure to comply with planning enforcement—criminal liability and direct actionUnder the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (TCPA 1990), a breach of...
Works to trees, tree preservation orders and trees in conservation areasWorks to treesGenerally, work to trees does not constitute development under...
Protected hedges and hedgerowsWhat hedgerows are protected?Certain hedgerows are protected by the Hedgerows Regulations 1997 (HR 1997), SI 1997/1160,...
Environmental Information Regulations 2004, Data Protection Act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 2000—provision for disclosure by a local authority...
Environmental Information Regulations 2004—request for environmental information[Insert name of public authority][Insert public authority's address,...
Notice of appeal pursuant to section 80(3) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 against an abatement notice for a statutory nuisance[name, address...
Private action for a statutory nuisance—complaint to the magistrates’ court—section 82 of Environmental Protection Act 1990In the [insert name]...
Abatement notice for a statutory nuisance made under the section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990[name] [District] [Borough] [City]...
Maladministration—complaintsSection 23 of the Local Government Act 1974 (LGA 1974), creates the role of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman...
Use of consultants in public procurementThere are basically two types of consultants that are used in public procurement:•consultants with technical...
Licensing committeesThis Practice Note sets out the law and practice in relation to the duties and responsibilities of a licensing authority under the...
Obstruction of highwaysThe fundamental public right upon a highway is to pass and re-pass, and the obstruction of a highway is usually a criminal...
Arms length management organisations (ALMOs)An arms length management organisation (ALMO) is a not-for-profit company that provides housing services...
Call-off procedures under framework agreementsLegal regimeFramework agreements are used increasingly for the procurement of works, services and...
Letter responding to clarification requests[On headed paper][Insert date][Insert address of bidder]Dear [Insert contact name or name of nominated lead...
Highways, street works and statutory undertakersStreet works at common lawAt common law it is a nuisance to interfere with the surface of a highway....
Assignment and succession of tenancyAssignmentAssignment is the transfer of the interest in the tenancy to another person. Assignment of a secure...
Housing disrepair for local authority landlords—a practical guideThis Practice Note discusses disrepair claims in relation to social housing, setting...
Collaborative procurement in the public sector—a short introductionThis Practice Note is a short introduction to the legal considerations that arise...
Teachers and staff in maintained schoolsWho is the employer?The employer will depend upon the status of the school. The employer is:•the local...
UK gambling licensing regimeThe three main types of licence available to potential gambling licensees within Great Britain are:•operating...
Council taxWhat is Council tax and what is its purpose?The council tax was introduced as the primary source of collecting income from local residents...
A significant decision which is the responsibility of a local authority executive (an executive decision).
A member has a personal interest in any business of their authority that relates to, or is likely to affect, a registrable interest, or is likely to affect the well-being or financial position of the member, their family or close associates more than it would affect the majority of people in the ward or electoral division affected by the decision, or in the authority's area.
The senior officers that a local authority is required by law to appoint.