Multiple dwellings relief definition

Produced by a Tolley Personal Tax expert

What does Multiple dwellings relief mean?

Multiple dwellings relief (MDR) is a stamp taxes relief that applies to transactions with an effective date before 1 June 2024 (subject to transitional provisions) where a person purchases two or more residential dwellings from the same person at the same time or in a series of linked transactions. Under the relief, the tax is calculated on the average price per dwelling and this is then multiplied by the number of dwellings acquired to give the total tax bill (subject to restrictions as to the minimum amount payable). Without the relief, tax would be charged on the total combined price of the dwellings and the amount due would be higher. The relief applies to stamp duty land tax (SDLT) in England and Wales, land and buildings transaction tax (LBTT) in Scotland and land transaction tax (LTT) in Wales. According to tax case law, relief is unlikely to be available where a main house is purchased with a so-called 'granny annex'.

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