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Preliminary references and the right of courts of last resort not to refer (Consorzio Italian Management e Catania Multiservizi)

Published on: 14 October 2021
Published by a LexisNexis EU Law expert

Article summary

EU Law analysis: This judgment by the Court of Justice, Grand Chamber, is about the preliminary reference procedure (Article 267 TFEU) and the power of courts of last instance in EU Member States not to refer, provided that certain conditions are met. It reaffirms existing case-law and provides further guidance about how domestic courts must decide whether the interpretation of EU law is so obvious as to render a reference unnecessary—on the one hand, they are not required to examine all language versions of EU law and may decide not to refer even in cases where different interpretations are possible but not sufficiently plausible; on the other hand, they must be particularly vigilant, given the objective of uniform interpretation of EU law, and must provide reasoning for their decision not to refer. The judgment confirms the significance of courts of EU Member States in the process of interpretation of EU law...

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