With reform of retained EU law high on the agenda, post-Brexit legal changes remains a key issue. Get key information and updates for all practitioners, with practice area specific Brexit content across the modules.
We outline the key principles and procedural requirements with a clear focus on the public sector perspective. The content focusses primarily on judicial review in the Administrative Court in England and Wales.
Failure to stick to procedures can have significant legal, financial and practical consequences for a contracting authority. We guide you through various processes, focussing on the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
An essential resource providing guidance & materials on core legal subjects relevant to lawyers in all areas of legal practice, as well as specialist content designed to assist government lawyers in a range of key areas
The Lords Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) has published its eleventh report of session 2024–2025. The following Bills were...
Public Law analysis: The decision of the Secretary of State for Justice to reject Parole Board recommendations for an indeterminate prisoner to be...
Law360, London: The UK sanctions regime faces a major test on 15 January 2025 as billionaire Eugene Shvidler seeks to have his financial restrictions...
Treasury minister resigns after Ministerial Standards report...
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has launched the Digital Capability for Health 2 [RM6345] agreement, designed to facilitate digital transformation...
Environmental Information Regulations 2004—requesting informationThis Practice Note outlines guidance for private practitioners making a requests,...
Environmental Information Regulations 2004—appeals and enforcementA requestor, or more appropriately a complainant, may complain about the way a...
Environmental Information Regulations 2004—clarifying requestsUpdated in partnership with Patrick Senior of Stephenson HarwoodWhere requests under the...
The standstill periodWhat is the standstill period?When a contracting authority reaches its decision on the award of a public contract subject to the...
Freedom of information case archiveThe freedom of information case archive records and summarises key decisions and case law rulings relating to...
Environmental Information Regulations 2004, Data Protection Act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 2000—provision for disclosure by a local authority...
Environmental Information Regulations 2004—request for environmental information[Insert name of public authority][Insert public authority's address,...
Design licence—pro-licensorThis LICENCE is made on [insert date] Parties1[insert licensor name] a company incorporated in [England and Wales] under...
Trade mark licence—pro-licensorThis Agreement is made on [insert date]Parties1[insert name], a company incorporated in [England and Wales] under...
Design licence—pro-licenseeThis Licence is made on [insert date]Parties1[insert licensor name] a company incorporated in [England and Wales] under...
Methods of statutory interpretation used to resolve disputes about the meaning of legislationIntroduction to statutory interpretationThe aim of...
Sources of constitutional lawIn briefThe British constitution is unwritten in the sense that it does not derive from a single constitutional text. It...
Direct effect of EU lawWhat is direct effect of EU law?The doctrine of direct effect is a fundamental principle of EU law developed by the Court of...
Convention rights—structure of qualified rightsThe rights preserved under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as set out in the Human...
Separation of powers—legislative, executive and judiciarySource of the doctrine of the separation of powersThe origins of the doctrine of the...
What is a public authority?There is no single, universal answer to the question whether a particular organisation is treated, in law, as a public...
Structure and functions of EU institutions and bodiesThe EU’s unique institutional frameworkThe European Union is a supranational polity, and is...
HarmonisationDefinitionHarmonisation, also known as standardisation or approximation, refers to the determination of EU-wide legally binding standards...
The status of EU law in the UK after Brexit [Archived]ARCHIVED: This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained.This Practice Note provides...
Indirect effect of EU lawWhat is indirect effect of EU law?The doctrine of indirect effect, or consistent interpretation, is a duty that national...
Parliamentary supremacy—implied repealEssential to Parliament’s legislative supremacy is the principle that Parliament is not bound by its...
The executive and the civil serviceWhat is a civil servant?A civil servant is any permanent, non-political employee of central government—servants of...
EU internal competenceThe limits of EU competencesThe limits of EU competences are governed by the principle of conferral (also known as principle of...
Free movement of EU workers and citizensEU workers and EU citizens enjoy the right of freedom of movement. This right is granted to EU workers in...
The four freedoms—goods, services, establishment and capitalFree movement of goodsRestriction on importsScope of the prohibitionArticle 34 of the...
It is an offence to commit an attempt to commit any indictable offence other than conspiracy, aiding and abetting an offence or assisting offenders or accepting/agreeing to accept consideration for not disclosing information about a relevant offence.
The Anglesey Energy Island™ Programme: A collective effort between stakeholders within the public and private sector working in partnership to put Anglesey at the forefront of low carbon energy production and servicing, research and development, bringing with it potentially huge economic rewards to Anglesey and the wider North Wales economy.
Unlike England, Scotland has not done away with the requirement to petition for a court appointed administrator. In England, administration petitions were replaced with applications by the Enterprise Act 2002. Both jurisdictions allow the Enterprise Act 2002 court form ‘out of court’ filing processes on similar procedural rules. The distinction to a ‘petition’ in England was important as a ‘petition’ is a class action which can be joined or taken over by any person in the same class, eg a creditor. In practice, there is little material difference