Research & Development Relief (R&D) definition

rɪˈsɜːʧ ænd dɪˈvɛləpmənt rɪˈliːf
Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert

What does Research & Development Relief (R&D) mean?

Research and development relief in a nutshell  
Expenditure on research and development is actively encouraged through the tax system as specific tax reliefs are offered for such expenditure. Companies and other trading businesses are able to claim 100% capital allowances (for capital expenditure on R&D). If the expenditure is revenue in nature, a 100% revenue deduction is available in the normal manner. 

In addition, and for companies only, enhanced R&D reliefs are also available. The amount of relief differs depending on whether the company is a small or medium sized enterprise (SME) or a large company.  

For an SMEs, an enhanced deduction is available for qualifying expenditure. Where the company has losses this can be surrendered for a tax credit.  

Where the R&D is carried out by a large company (and in some circumstances an SME) relief is available as a taxable credit calculated as a percentage of the qualifying expenditure.  

What is an SME? 
A company is an SME if it has less than 500 staff and either turnover not exceeding

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