Brexit is a significant subject for R&I lawyers due to the reciprocal nature of our relationship with Europe. Our Brexit content offers key information and updates for all practitioners, as well as legislation trackers.
Includes new legislation due to coronavirus. Temporary provisions centre around winding-up petitions, wrongful trading and ipso facto clauses. Permanent changes include the creation of two corporate insolvency processes.
Get country guides for 45 jurisdictions – the majority are from our Getting the Deal Through series. Where there are jurisdictional gaps, we have commissioned content, and have created several comparison tables.
Helping restructuring and insolvency professionals stay up-to-date with legal and market developments, and work faster and smarter.
Dispute Resolution analysis: An interim anti-suit injunction, obtained in breach of the duty of full and frank disclosure has been largely set aside,...
The Insolvency Service has successfully pursued legal action against Christopher Cook, a disqualified director from Oxford, who continued to operate a...
The Insolvency Service has updated its enforcement outcomes management for December 2024. The data shows that there were 69 director disqualifications...
Restructuring & Insolvency analysis: The court upheld the decision of Chief ICC Judge Briggs, who had dismissed the applications by Mr Murfet and his...
The Insolvency Service has banned Mohamed Hamza, the owner of M&H Car Wash Ltd in Lincolnshire, from acting as a company director for five years, due...
Part 26A restructuring plans—potential challenges by creditors/membersPotential grounds for challengeDissentient creditors or shareholders/members...
OFSI General Licence trackerThis Practice Note tracks General Licences issued by the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) under the UK...
2025: Key dates for restructuring and insolvency professionalsThis Practice Note sets out the key dates for restructuring and insolvency professionals...
Forum shopping and practical ways to move COMIRationaleIn any cross-border case involving a formal insolvency procedure, insolvency practitioners...
PRA enforcement essentials—suspensions, restrictions and financial penalties [Archived]ARCHIVED: This Practice Note is archived and is no longer...
Calderbank claimant settlement offer pre-action[ON YOUR LETTERHEAD]WITHOUT PREJUDICE SAVE AS TO COSTS[SUBJECT TO CONTRACT][Insert date][Insert name...
Calderbank claimant settlement offer post-issue[ON YOUR LETTERHEAD]WITHOUT PREJUDICE SAVE AS TO COSTS[SUBJECT TO CONTRACT][Insert date][Insert name...
Witness statement in support of an application by an insolvency office-holder under sections 234, 235, 236, 365 and 366 of the Insolvency Act 1986 to...
Application notice to unwind a preference or transaction at an undervalueNote: This Precedent should be used in conjunction with an application notice...
Witness statement in support of an application to unwind a preference or transaction at an undervalueApplicant(s): [insert initials and surname]:...
Role, powers, functions and duties of a liquidatorThe role and function of a liquidatorA liquidator is the officer appointed when a company goes into...
What is a statutory declaration of solvency, and what happens if a false declaration of solvency is madeCoronavirus (COVID-19)This content is affected...
Bonds and notesThe terms ‘bonds’ and ‘notes’ are used interchangeably (and there is no legal difference between the terms), though notes tend to be...
Obtaining Official Copies from HM Land RegistryThis Practice Note provides guidance in obtaining official copies of the entries on the title of a...
Dissolution of a company following compulsory liquidation or creditors' voluntary liquidationDissolution marks the end of a company’s life. It...
Bankruptcy searchesBankruptcy searches at the Land Charges DepartmentWhen a bankruptcy petition is presented by a creditor, the court shall as soon as...
Dissolution and bona vacantia—dealing with the Treasury SolicitorBona vacantia means ‘goods without an owner’ and is a relevant consideration where...
Cashflow and balance sheet tests for insolvencyIntroductionThis Practice Note will give a basic overview of the applicable tests for cashflow and...
Key elements of a standstill agreementWhen restructuring is considered rather than formal insolvency proceedings (see Practice Note: Benefits of...
Scotland: protected trust deedsTrust deeds have, for many years, been utilised by debtors as a means of reaching a compromise with their creditors as...
What is considered onerous property or contracts?DisclaimerUnder sections 178 and 315 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986), a liquidator or a trustee...
RecapitalisationsThe term 'recapitalisation' refers to a company changing the proportions of its debt and equity, something which can be achieved in a...
Role, powers, functions and duties of an administratorThe role, powers and duties of an appointed administrator are set out in the Insolvency Act 1986...
The effect of a bankruptcy order on an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA), its assets, and the creditorsThe gap in the insolvency legislationIt is...
The pari passu principle and collection remedies for the office-holder—the position under the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016The primary...
Schemes of arrangement—process and statutory frameworkSchemes of arrangement—definition and basis in statuteA scheme of arrangement is a...
Where an individual debtor's debts exceed the total value of assets
A document issued by the court in sequestrations commenced prior to 1 April 2008 formally vesting a debtor’s estate in a trustee. Since that date, the Award of Sequestration vests debtor's estate in the trustee
An official newsletter published for the government by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO) in which various official announcements are recorded. Details of all bankruptcies and protected trust deeds must be published in the AiB’s Register of Insolvencies