Reversionary interest definition

/rɪˈvəːʃənəri/ /ˈɪnt(ə)rɪst/
Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert

What does Reversionary interest mean?

The strict trust law interpretation of a reversionary interest is one which returns (or ‘reverts’) back to the settlor of a trust after some prior interest. In broader terms, particularly in a tax context, a reversionary interest is an umbrella term for all remainder interests – a future interest under a trust that has not yet fallen into possession. This will be because some earlier interest, such as a life interest, takes priority.

In practical terms, the remainder beneficiary (often called the ‘remainderman’) has a future interest under the trust but cannot yet receive any benefit. The interest can be vested (there is a definite future legal entitlement) or contingent on an event (commonly the attainment of a certain age). An example of such an arrangement is a life interest trust in a Will giving the income to A for life, and then to B absolutely. B has a remainder interest but will usually receive nothing until A has died.

Reversionary interests are specifically defined in the IHT legislation to include all future interests. They are usually excluded property and therefore outside the

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