Schedule of Amendments to JCT Constructing Excellence Contract 2024

Published by a LexisNexis Construction expert

Schedule of Amendments to JCT Constructing Excellence Contract 2024

Published by a LexisNexis Construction expert


The Contract comprises the completed Constructing Excellence Contract 2024 Edition published by the JCT subject to the following amendments:


The Contract Particulars as completed by the Parties shall apply subject to the following amendments:

Part 1: Details Relevant to the Conditions
4.33Rectification Period[Insert a new bullet point after the second bullet point stating ‘from receipt of the completion certificate from the Building Safety Regulator in respect of’]
8.6 Limitation on liability of SupplierDelete entry
Part 8: Third Party Rights and Collateral Warranties
8.A.3.3The liability of the Supplier to each Beneficiary shall under no circumstances exceed £___ in respect of each breach/in the aggregate*Delete entry


AttestationThis Contract has been executed and delivered as a deed by the Parties.


Clause 1.1—Definitions

Insert and amend definitions as follows:

[BIM Protocol[See drafting note]
‘Building Safety Regulator[Insert new definition:the Health and Safety Executive or such other body or individual as may be appointed from time to time to fulfil the role of building safety regulator for the purposes of the Building Safety Act 2022, which term shall include any registered building inspectors and any other specialists appointed
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