The definition of civil partnership

Published by a LexisNexis Family expert
Practice notes

The definition of civil partnership

Published by a LexisNexis Family expert

Practice notes

This Practice Note looks at the definition of civil partnership as set out in the Civil Partnership Act 2004, as amended from 2 December 2019 to include opposite-sex couples. It explains the formalities required to form a civil partnership


When introduced by the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (CPA 2004), civil partnerships related only to two people of the same sex. However, from 2 December 2019 the Civil Partnership (Opposite-sex Couples) Regulations 2019 (CP(O-sC)R 2019), SI 2019/1458 are in effect and the eligibility criteria in CPA 2004 amended to allow opposite-sex couples to register a civil partnership in England and Wales. The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 (MCP(MA)A 2022) which is in force from 27 February 2023 amends CPA 2004 by increasing the minimum age for civil partnership to 18 (as opposed to 16) bringing an end to provisions allowing for 16–17-year olds to enter a civil partnership with parental or judicial consent (see: LNB News 10/08/2022 22).

The extension of civil partnerships to opposite-sex couples followed a campaign for civil partnerships to be made

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Key definition:
Civil partnership definition
What does Civil partnership mean?

The legal relationship between two people of the same sex affording them broadly the same rights available to heterosexual couples who choose to marry.

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