Transactions in UK land definition

trænˈzækʃənz ɪn juː keɪ lænd
Produced by a Tolley Owner-Managed Businesses expert

What does Transactions in UK land mean?

Also known as transactions in land.

Transactions in UK land in a nutshell

The transactions in UK land rules were introduced in 2016, replacing the old transactions in land rules. They must be considered where a taxpayer disposes of UK land.

Normally on disposal, the choice is between treating the proceeds as trading income (where the sale is part of the taxpayer’s trade or it is a venture in the nature of trade) or as capital consideration. The transactions in UK land rules must be considered where the disposal is not a trade or venture in the nature of trade, but the property was purchased or developed with the intention of making a profit similar to that of a property dealer. If caught by these rules, the disposal proceeds are taxed as trading income.

Which taxpayers are caught by the transactions in UK land rules?

The transactions in UK land rules apply to ‘persons’, which is widely defined. It includes individuals, personal representatives, trustees and companies. The rules apply to UK residents and UK non-residents. In fact,

The transactions in UK land rules were introduced in 2016, replacing the old transactions in land rules. They must be considered where a taxpayer disposes of UK land.

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