Tronc definition

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert

What does Tronc mean?

The usual treatment for tips given directly to employees and not shared is that employees are responsible for reporting them to HMRC and paying the tax due. A tronc is a system where tips and service charges are pooled and distributed to staff by a third party, called the troncmaster. This system is often found in restaurants, hotels and other businesses where tipping is common. The troncmaster may be an employee of the business in question or an unconnected person. The tips distributed to each employee by the troncmaster are treated as earnings and the troncmaster is responsible for operating tax due under PAYE in respect of them, independent of any PAYE scheme operated by the employer. The NIC treatment of tips distributed under a tronc depends on whether the tronc has its own rules for allocating the pooled tips (no NIC due) or does so according to rules set down by the employer or where the employer makes service charges compulsory (NIC due).

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