Uzbekistan merger control

Produced in partnership with GRATA International Law Firm
Practice notes

Uzbekistan merger control

Produced in partnership with GRATA International Law Firm

Practice notes

A conversation with Bakhodir Jabborov, managing partner, and Anora Turakhujaeva, senior associate, of the Tashkent office of regional law firm GRATA International Law Firm, on key issues on merger control in Uzbekistan.

NOTE—to see whether notification thresholds in Uzbekistan and throughout the world are met, see Where to Notify.

1. Have there been any recent developments regarding the merger control regime in Uzbekistan and are any updates or developments expected? Are there any other ‘hot’ merger control issues in Uzbekistan?

The merger control regime is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No ZRU-850 dated 3 July 2023 on Competition (the ‘Competition Law’), which will enter into force on 4 October 2023, replacing the Law on competition No ZRU-319 dated 6 December 2012. The Competition Law governs merger control both in financial and commodity markets.

Other legislation includes Regulation No 86 on the approval of the unified regulation on the procedures for issuing permission documents through a special electronic system (Regulation No 86). Annex 12 to Regulation No 86 provides for a Passport for reviewing

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United Kingdom
Key definition:
Merger control definition
What does Merger control mean?

The merger control rules of the UK are contained in the enterprise Act 2002, as amended. Under the UK merger control rules, the competition and markets authority has jurisdiction to review both completed and anticipated merger transactions provided there is a ‘relevant merger situation’. The UK rules do not generally apply to mergers in relation to which the European Commission has exclusive jurisdiction under the EU Merger Regulation. Where the transaction falls within the scope of any national or supranational (eg the EU or COMESA) merger control rules, it is common for the parties to the agreement to agree that the transaction shall be conditional upon merger control approvals having been received and no relevant competition authority having raised objections to the transaction (Enterprise Act 2002).

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