
What is the meaning of a non-exclusive agent? Does this give the agent the right to sell goods other than those of the principal?

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Published on: 25 October 2016

Meaning of non-exclusive vs meaning of exclusive and sole

The terms ‘exclusive’, ‘non-exclusive’ and ‘sole’ are used frequently to describe the rights granted under both agency and distribution agreements, but these terms have no set legal meaning and so it is important to define precisely what is meant by these terms within the agreements themselves.

The common meaning of these three forms of agency relationships are:

  1. exclusive—only the agent may sell or supply the designated products in the specified territory and the principal may not do so or appoint others to do so

  2. sole—the principal may sell or supply the products in the territory but may not appoint other agents to do so

  3. non-exclusive—the principal may sell or supply the contract goods in the territory and may appoint

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Key definition:
Goods definition
What does Goods mean?

Goods denote personal chattel and other property which may be detached from land.

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