Legal News

Where are misrepresentations made? Jurisdictional traps for the unwary (Bellmare Holdings Ltd v Wells)

Published on: 15 October 2019

Table of contents

  • What are the practical implications of this case?
  • What was the background?
  • What did the court decide?
  • Case details

Article summary

Dispute Resolution analysis: The High Court has provided concise guidance as to how misrepresentation should be analysed when considering jurisdictional gateways. Under Article 5(3) of the Lugano Convention, in negligent misstatement cases, the place of the event giving rise to damage is normally the place where the misstatement was communicated to the claimant. However, if the statement was made and received in different places, then it is the place of making or sending of the communication, rather than its receipt, which is the place of the event. In this case it resulted in the court declining English jurisdiction. Written by Angharad Parry, barrister, at Twenty Essex.

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