Employment Tax

Find the Employment Tax answers you need in the UK’s definitive source of practical tax guidance

The Tolley+™ Guidance Employment Tax Module - expert practical tax guidance, examples and template documents that demonstrate how to apply legislation in real-world situations.

The Tolley+ Guidance Employment Taxes module provides guidance for practitioners giving advice on employment taxes and to those providing payroll services to clients.

Employment Tax
The module focuses on the PAYE and NIC implications of different types of payments to employees, including cash and non-cash earnings, benefits in kind and reimbursed expenses, plus guidance on reporting requirements and penalties for non-compliance.
Employment Tax
A comprehensive section on remuneration planning, share schemes and off-payroll working will guide you through some of the most complex areas of tax.
Employment Tax
The Employment Tax module also gives a high-level overview of employment law topics relevant to anyone working in employment tax.
Employment Tax
The module goes on to cover international employment taxes in relation to employees coming to the UK, those going overseas to work and other complications such as pensions and international social security for those individuals.





















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